Otago University Childcare Association - Te Pā Otago

Kaiako kaiārahi Te Pārekereke o Te Kī – bilingual centre

Early learning / kōhanga reo, Head teacher

Belonging / Mana Whenua, Contribution / Mana Tangata, Communication / Mana Reo, Exploration / Mana Aotūroa, Well-being / Mana Atua

Listed 10:11 am 08 July 2024
Closes 3pm 21 July 2024
Vacancy reference #: 1HAhKb

Te Pārekereke o Te Kī is one of five early childhood centres comprising the Otago University Childcare Association (OUCA). Te Pārekereke o Te Kī was an initiative founded by Kai Tahu and supported by the OUCA as a place where te reo me ōna Tikanga Māori drives the curriculum and is strengthened within a bilingual whānau setting. Centre whānau choose Te Pārekereke o Te Kī as a place that supports their whole whānau commitment to te reo and tikanga Māori. We have about 30 children attending the centre daily and provide ratios of 1:4 for pēpi and 1:8 for nohinohi. We have a strong wait list of whānau.

Due to retirement, we have a vacancy for a kaiako kaiārahi who will lead the team of 7 qualified, registered kaiako. They implement the philosophy and nurture relationships with children, whānau and the community. The kaiako kaiārahi is supported by the OUCA manager, administrator and head teachers of the 4 remaining centres. The OUCA pays full parity rates and provides kaiako with five hours non-contact a week. The kaiako kaiārahi has ten hours non-contact.

We are looking for a kaiako kaiārahi who:

  • Has a high level of fluency in and is passionate about te reo me ōna tikanga Māori
  • Has experience in a leadership position
  • Has a professional commitment to the provision of high-quality early childhood education
  • Is a qualified and registered teacher.

The position is full-time (40 hours). The OUCA is part of the ECE Collective Agreement.

See our website and video for more information about our centres: www.otago.ac.nz/childcare

How to apply

Please send your CV, and covering letter to:

Karen Hurst
(03) 742 1140

Download our application form
Application form for all potential staff v13

Vacancy reference #:1HAhKb

Listed 10:11 am 08 July 2024
Closes 3pm 21 July 2024

Otago University Childcare Association - Te Pā NZ

ECE centre details

Otago University Childcare Association - Te Pā

Type: Education and Care Service
Maximum licenced places: 150

Service ID: 83022
ERO report
View more on Education Counts

Physical address:
551 Castle Street, Dunedin North, Dunedin

Postal Address:
Dunedin North, Dunedin 9059