List a vacancy


You told us you prefer to search for vacancies and notices online and wanted more great stories in print. So from 2021, we’re making more room in the printed Education Gazette to share the mahi of our education community and moving the vacancies section online.

All vacancies will now be published exclusively online. Still free.

Use the form below to list job vacancies in the Education Gazette | Tukutuku Kōrero.

What you need to know

  • Vacancies are published online within two business days
  • Each vacancy needs to be submitted separately
  • Use the full range of options in this form to create high-quality vacancies targeted to the best candidates
  • We recommend schools use the following wording when listing job vacancies
    The terms and conditions, including base salary, for this position is set by the relevant collective agreement. The base salary for trained and registered teachers will range from $xxxxx to $xxxxx, depending on applicant’s qualifications and experience. Individuals actual base salary will be established by a salary assessment once a role is confirmed.
    Should you be unable to recruit domestically, you could recruit an overseas teacher. The wording above will help meet the job check for the Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV). Information on the AEWV can be found at: Accreditation for the AEWV | Immigration New Zealand

  • Read your obligations when advertising teacher or principal vacancies, our terms and conditions and our privacy policy

Paid advertising

To publish paid, featured, display or non-educator vacancies in the magazine, go to the advertising guide or email

Where to find more help


Have this information ready:

  • Details about the role (title, description, position details, any allowances).
  • Closing date and time for applications.
  • Work contact details of the person receiving applications and enquiries (avoid including personal contact details for privacy reasons).
  • A position description, application form, or combined document (optional) (PDF files, less than 5MB).
  • An image (optional) (JPG or PNG files, less than 2MB or 3000px by 3000px). You must have permission or licence to use the image.
  1. Vacancy details
  2. Preview vacancy
  3. Submit
(Cannot be redone)

You must complete all the fields marked with an *.

1. About the role

Institute type

Institute type

Select a category and enter your organisation’s name or institution number.

Institute location

Role location

Please be as specific as possible.
Sector and role

Sector and role

Select which sector the role is based in and then the type of role. 

Level of experience

Teachers throughout all stages of their career use the Education Gazette to find jobs.

Position options

Position details

Provide details about the work hours and other arrangements for the advertised role.

Hours * 

Position type * 

Position type * 

e.g. Māori immersion teachers allowance (MITA), Middle management allowance (MMA)
Status of vacancy

Status of vacancy

This information is collected by the Ministry of Education to help with workforce planning. It won’t be seen by potential candidates.

Vacancy details

Vacancy title and description

Tell candidates about the advertised role, the qualifications and skills required, and the work environment. 

There is a 10 word limit
There is a 300 word limit.
Upload image

Image (optional)  

Add a photo or image to help attract candidates to your vacancy. You must have permission or licence to use the image.

Images must be JPG or PNG format, and less than 2MB in size – bigger than 1500px wide by 1000px high, smaller than 3000px wide by 3000px high. Images may be resized or cropped upon publication.

2. Application details

Contact details

Contact person for candidates (published)

Provide contact details of the person receiving applications and enquiries. This information will be published.

Change this text to suit your needs. It will appear above the contact person's details.
Contact person's name and job title (for example, "Mary Smith, Principal"). This is the person who will receive applications and enquiries.
Please include the area code, eg (04) 384 4444
Link directly to the web page or Facebook page associated with your vacancy. Drop the https:// portion of the web address.

Saving these contact details means you won't need to re-enter them when you next add a vacancy (as long as you're using the same computer).

Supply a file for candidates

Upload job information (optional)

Provide candidates with a position description, application form, or other related document. You can upload two documents - combine separate documents together if needed.

You might want to edit this text if the file is not an application form, for example. If you choose not to supply a file below, then this heading text won't be shown to people viewing your vacancy—so you needn't edit it.
Documents should be PDF or .txt files and less than 5MB. The file name will be published online, so it should describe the document.
Remove file
You might want to edit this text if the file is not an application form, for example. If you choose not to supply a file below, then this heading text won't be shown to people viewing your vacancy—so you needn't edit it.
Documents should be PDF or .txt files and less than 5MB. The file name will be published online, so it should describe the document.
Remove file
Closing date

Closing date

For example, 3pm

3. Add some search categories

Related categories

Target your vacancy listing *

Select categories to help candidates find your vacancy when searching this website and subscribing to email alerts. Choose as many relevant categories as you like.

Preview your vacancy

Preview your vacancy

You’re nearly done! Click Preview Vacancy and wait for the page to load - you'll see what your vacancy will look like when it’s published, and you can check that all the information is correct.