Central Kids Kindergartens - Reporoa Waikato

Kaiwhakaako / kindergarten head teacher

Early learning / kōhanga reo, Head teacher

Belonging / Mana Whenua, Contribution / Mana Tangata, Communication / Mana Reo, Exploration / Mana Aotūroa, Well-being / Mana Atua

Listed 1:32 pm 25 July 2024
Closes 9.00am 09 August 2024
Vacancy reference #: 1HAhVe

We are looking for a determined and ambitious leader to join our teams in supporting tamariki and whānau to achieve their full potential.

Whakawhanaungatanga - relationships with positive links to hapu, whānau, parents and the local wider community is essential to us.

Whakamana - enjoyment of learning, self-management.

Kotahitanga - affirming behaviour learning and

Ngā hononga - participating together also holds close to our hearts. Honouring Te Tiriti o Waitangi and protecting Papatūānuku is our duty.

Ko wai tatou?/who are we?

Ko ngā tamariki te pūtake – tamariki are central to all we do.
Mana ki te tangata – we maintain the dignity and standing of others.
Tiakina a Papatūānuku – we protect and enhance the environment.
Manaakitanga – we build mana and respect through generosity and goodwill.

At Central Kids all tamariki are respected and included for who they are. We celebrate diversity so that all whānau feel welcome and supported. We are committed to upholding Te Tiriti o Waitangi partnerships, which we bring to life through our cultural strategy and determination to see te reo Māori me ona Tikanga thrive. Our kaiako are respected and supported through ongoing professional development opportunities, to ensure we are always learning and improving our delivery of Te Whāriki.

Ko wai koe?/who are you?

We are looking for someone who:

  • is a strong confident leader
  • actively advocates for tamariki
  • understands Te Tiriti o Waitangi based partnerships with tamariki and whānau
  • demonstrates a commitment to te reo Māori me ona Tikanga
  • embraces a culture of strong health, safety, aroha, mana, tiaki, and manaaki
  • has an awareness of the culture of child protection
  • is dedicated to supporting the social and emotional growth of tamariki
  • is willing to create and maintain strong relationships with the wider community and outside agencies
  • demonstrates a growth mindset.

How to apply

Please send your CV, and direct enquiries to:

Ash Thompson
(07) 985 3124

Vacancy reference #:1HAhVe

Listed 1:32 pm 25 July 2024
Closes 9.00am 09 August 2024

Central Kids Kindergartens - Reporoa NZ

ECE centre details

Central Kids Kindergartens - Reporoa

Type: Free Kindergarten
Maximum licenced places: 40

Service ID: 40055
ERO report
View more on Education Counts

Physical address:
28 Massey Road, Reporoa

Postal Address:
Putaruru 3443