Sport Waikato Waikato

Professional learning partner

Certificated teacher, General, Professional learning partner

Health and physical education

Closes 3pm 28 July 2024
Vacancy reference #: 1HAhQA

As a professional learning partner (Primary School), you will work closely with identified Primary / Intermediate schools - liaise with boards, principals, and senior leadership teams – in developing strategies and systems that will contribute to foster a culture of learning and development within the education community. 

You will support school leaders and teachers to better plan and implement the health and physical education and Hauora Curriculum as a linked component of the wider collaborative approach of the Health and Education Team in identifying, developing, and supporting opportunities for quality physical activity experiences for tamariki well-being. The professional learning partner will build teacher confidence, challenge current thinking and practice and provide teachers with the tools to use physical education, sport, and physical activity as a vehicle to drive greater well-being/Hauroa outcomes for tamariki.

How to apply

Please send any direct enquiries to:

Deane McKay
(022) 682 9405

Vacancy reference #:1HAhQA

Closes 3pm 28 July 2024

Sport Waikato NZ

Organisation details

Sport Waikato

Location: Waikato