Vocational Pathways update

Issue: Volume 95, Number 1

Posted: 25 January 2016
Reference #: 1H9d28

A growing number of students are gaining their NCEA Level 2 through Vocational Pathways.

A recent analysis of 2014 results shows 40 per cent of students born in 1997 who achieved NCEA Level 2 achieved one or more Level 2 Vocational Pathways Awards.

Here’s some more detail about the results:

  • A total of 16,090 students (or 40 per cent) who were aged 17 in 2014 were awarded 17,664 Vocational Pathway Awards.
  • The most common Vocational Pathway awarded was Creative Industries (66.7 per cent)
  • 41 per cent of all Vocational Pathway awards were awarded to males, while 59 per cent were awarded to females.
  • 14 per cent of all Vocational Pathway Awards were awarded to Māori, with another 14 per cent awarded to Pasifika.
Total Vocational Pathway Awards, 2014 academic year, 1997 birth cohort  
Vocational Pathway Number of Awards Construction & Infrastructure
Construction & Infrastructure 1,014 5.7%
Primary Industries 1,088 6.2%
Manufacturing & Technology 786 4.4%
Services Industries 2,498 14.2%
Social & Community Services 488 2.8%
Creative Industries 11,790 66.7%
Total Vocational Pathway Awards 17,664 100%

Total Vocational Pathway Awards by gender
Vocational Pathway Total Pathways Awarded
  Number Males % Males Number Females % Females
Construction & Infrastructure 830 11% 184 2%
Primary Industries 765 11% 323 3%
Manufacturing & Technology 746 10% 40 0%
Services Industries 594 8% 1904 18%
Social & Community Services 73 1% 415 4%
Creative Industries 4,240 58% 7,550 72%
Total VP Awards 7,248 100% 10, 416 100%

Total Vocational Pathway Awards by ethnicity
Vocational Pathway Total Pathways Awarded
  Number Māori % Māori Number Pasifika % Pasifika
Construction & Infrastructure 119 5% 50 2%
Primary Industries 245 10% 13 1%
Manufacturing & Technology 90 4% 34 1%
Services Industries 46 2% 345 14%
Social & Community Services 523 21% 760 31%
Creative Industries 1,447 59% 1232 100%
Total VP Awards 2,470 100% 2,434 100%


Further refinement of Creative Industries Vocational Pathway

The Creative Industries Vocational Pathway has been further refined to align with the other pathways. The latest version of the pathway can be found here: http://bit.ly/230BW0m
This year both the 2014 and Version 2 refined Creative Industries Vocational Pathway will be available for use. However, in 2017 only the Version 2 refined Creative Industries Vocational Pathway will be available, along with the other five Vocational Pathways.

Level 3 Vocational Pathways are here

The Level 3 Vocational Pathways are finalised. The Level 3 Achievement Standards are clearly identified in the Vocational Pathways and the Levels 3–7 Qualifications are mapped to the Vocational Pathways. To see the outcomes of the development, visit http://bit.ly/1RmAlhw
The next step is to implement the pathways. The Ministry is currently engaging with a wide range of stakeholders about possible ways of implementing the Level 3 Vocational Pathways. The Ministry Secondary Tertiary Leads in each region can help you plan your programmes; their contact information can be found here: http://bit.ly/2qc0B2Y(external link)

Level 3 and University Entrance

The Ministry of Education has identified 48 approved subjects for University Entrance (with at least 14 credits) that can be gained through the Vocational Pathways.
The table below shows how many of the 48 approved subjects can be gained within each Vocational Pathway:
To find out more detail about which approved subjects can be found in which pathways go to the “Level 3 UE analysis” spreadsheet on the Youth Guarantee website: http://bit.ly/2qc0B2Y(external link)

Construction & Infrastructure Manufacturing & Technology Primary Industries
11 11 18
Services Industries Social & Community Services Creative Industries
25 11 22



Level 3 Award

Consultation during 2015 found that there was strong support for a Level 3 Vocational Pathways Award, recognising a student’s deliberate decision to experience and explore the work place. In 2016 we will continue to discuss what the Award could look like with the sectors. If you have any feedback email the team at the Ministry at vocational.pathways@education.govt.nz

Profile Builder link on Youth Guarantee website home page

There is now a link to the Profile Builder on the home page of the Youth Guarantee website, under the “Resources” section. The Profile Builder underwent significant development during 2015 and now shows the 2016 (which included standards from both the original Vocational Pathways for Level 1 and 2 and the standards includes in the refined pathways), and the final Level 3 Vocational Pathways.

Focus for 2016

The Ministry will continue to support the sector to effectively embed the Level 2 and 3 Vocational Pathways. Vocational Pathways provide us with the opportunity to create more relevant pathways from school to tertiary study and employment for students, as well as further strengthen the partnerships and connections between employers, secondary and tertiary education providers at the secondary-tertiary interface.

Further information can be found on the Youth Gurantee website(external link)

BY Education Gazette editors
Education Gazette | Tukutuku Kōrero, reporter@edgazette.govt.nz

Posted: 11:07 am, 25 January 2016

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