Māori scholars celebrated as recipients of Ngārimu VC and 28th (Māori) Battalion scholarships

Issue: Volume 97, Number 6

Posted: 5 April 2018
Reference #: 1H9iDf

Each year a group of exceptional Māori students is selected to continue the legacy of Victoria Cross winner Second Lieutenant Te Moana-nui-a-Kiwa Ngārimu and the other members of the 28th (Māori) Battalion.

Each year a group of exceptional Māori students is selected to continue the legacy of Victoria Cross winner Second Lieutenant Te Moana-nui-a-Kiwa Ngārimu and the other members of the 28th (Māori) Battalion.

When Te Aorere Pewhairangi was in Year 10 at Te Kura Māori o Mana Tamariki in 2009, he won an essay competition writing about Victoria Cross winner Second Lieutenant Te Moana-nui-a-Kiwa Ngārimu and members of the 28th (Māori) Battalion.

On Monday March 26, Te Aorere was among a group of nine Māori scholars celebrated at an event at Parliament as recipients of the Ngārimu VC and 28th Māori Battalion tertiary scholarships.

Te Aorere said his views on Ngārimu in 2009 were pertinent today.

“I wrote [in 2009] about the legacy they left and how they embodied the stories we hear about our ancestors like Maui and Tawhaki… larger than life characters,” said Te Aorere.

“And for me, Apirana Ngata and Ngārimu… they were great and stamped their mark in this lifetime. I want to do something that will effect change for my mokopuna.

“Even though I’m not a soldier, what I can take from them is some of their characteristics to be brave and daring. It’s about being a 22-year-old who challenges the way we look at broadcasting to better ourselves and that’s the legacy Ngārimu left us.”

The achievements of nine Māori scholars were celebrated at an event hosted by Minister for Youth, Peeni Henare, on behalf of Associate Minister of Education and Ngārimu Board Chair Kelvin Davis.

The undergraduate, Master’s and Doctoral scholarships commemorate Victoria Cross winner Second Lieutenant Te Moana-nui-a-Kiwa Ngārimu and members of the 28th (Māori) Battalion, who served on the battlefields of Greece, Crete, North Africa and Italy between 1941 and 1945.

“The nine scholarship winners are our Māori leaders of tomorrow – they show not only excellence in education but determination, leadership and commitment to their communities,” Peeni Henare said.

This year’s scholarship recipients are:

Undergraduate Scholarship Winners

  • Mairarangi Haimona (Waikato, Te Arawa)
  • Johannah Katene-Burge (Ngāti Toarangatira, Ngāti Tama, Te Atiawa, Ngāti Raukawa, Taranaki, Tuwharetoa, Te Tau Ihu o Te Waka a Maui)
  • Ngāpera Keegan (Waikato, Ngāti Maniapoto, Ngāti Porou, Ngāti Raukawa, Ngāti Apakura)

Master’s Scholarship Winners

  • Kimiora Kaire-Melbourne (Tuhoe, Ngāpuhi, Ngāti Kahungunu)
  • Te Aorere Pewhairangi (Ngāti Porou)
  • Te Puoho Katene (Ngāti Toarangatira, Ngāti Tama, Ngāti Whatua)

Doctoral Scholarship Winners

  • Pauline Adams (Te Whānau-ā-Apanui)
  • Dr Jamie-Lee Tuhoe (Ngāti Porou, Ngāti Whatua ki Kaipara, Te Atihaunui-a-Paparangi)

Manakura Award Winner

  • Te Hemanawa (Hema) Temara (Tuhoe)

Further information about the Ngārimu VC and 28th (Māori) Battalion Memorial Scholarships(external link) can be found on our website.

BY Education Gazette editors
Education Gazette | Tukutuku Kōrero, reporter@edgazette.govt.nz

Posted: 11:22 am, 5 April 2018

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