Making your PLD proposal

Issue: Volume 95, Number 17

Posted: 19 September 2016
Reference #: 1H9d6L

The steps to making your PLD proposal.

Before making a PLD proposal

Communities of Learning (CoLs), schools and kura looking to apply for centrally funded PLD in 2017 can start identifying their PLD requirements for the coming year.

The Ministry is now accepting proposals for PLD to be delivered from term 1, 2017.

Before making a proposal, there are a number of things you need to consider, which include:

  • Does your CoL, school or kura have a high number of students achieving below expected standards?
  • Does your CoL, school or kura have achievement challenges in National Priorities and is your proposal to access PLD aimed at lifting student outcomes in National Priority areas?
  • Centrally funded PLD is a finite resource and in 2017 centrally funded PLD will be prioritised to CoLs working together on their achievement challenges and schools and kura with a high number of students achieving below expected levels.

There is no guarantee however that a CoL will receive centrally funded PLD just because it is a CoL.

Making a proposal - what do I include?

To complete a PLD proposal there are a number of questions your proposal should answer.

These are:

  • What are you trying to achieve?
  • How did you reach this conclusion?
  • How does this relate to the overall goals or strategic direction of the CoL, school or kura?
  • Details of what support you need?
  • Who else will be leading the PLD?
  • What other internal expertise do you have to support the PLD?
  • What external expertise do you need?
  • What other PLD will you be undertaking during this period?

To make it easy for you, the Ministry has also developed a template you can use that takes you through proposal questions step by step. The template and more information on making a proposal can be found on the PLD website at link)

If you need any help completing your proposal contact your local Education Advisor and they will help you complete your proposal.

PLD funding will be allocated regionally by an area allocation panel which will include local sector representatives. The allocation panel will be looking at all proposals for their region and will be allocating PLD based on their region’s priorities and needs.

In the future CoLs, schools and kura can apply for PLD funding every term, starting in term 4, 2016. The proposals should go to your Ministry of Education regional office.

Schools that belong to a CoL should make a joint PLD proposal through their CoL leader.

PLD proposals for term 1, 2017 are due in October. Check with your local Ministry office to find out what the final date for submitting a proposal is in your area.

BY Education Gazette editors
Education Gazette | Tukutuku Kōrero,

Posted: 2:41 pm, 19 September 2016

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