Launch of

Issue: Volume 95, Number 7

Posted: 26 April 2016
Reference #: 1H9d1P

A new initiative aims to support schools to provide quality sport and physical education.

New Zealanders have traditionally been active people who enjoy outdoor activities.

While the spirit of sport is still strong in our communities, there is a global trend towards inactivity and, according to a recent New Zealand Health Survey, almost a third of secondary school students aren’t meeting the national guidelines for physical activity, 11 per cent of our young people are obese and a further 22 per cent overweight.

Sport New Zealand (Sport NZ) has launched a new initiative aimed at supporting schools to deliver quality physical education (PE) and sport. Evidence suggests that children exposed to quality PE are more likely to remain active for life. is a step-change in the way PE and sport is delivered in schools. This new initiative is underpinned by a ‘physical literacy’ approach focused on arming young people with not just the physical, but also the social and emotional skills they need to enjoy a life-long love of sport and physical activity. is currently available as a pilot in 41 schools in Upper Hutt and Waitakere. It was officially launched at Pinehaven School in Upper Hutt on 10 March by Minister for Sport and Recreation Dr Jonathan Coleman. Silver Ferns captain Casey Kopua attended the launch along with Hurricane and Māori All Black Otere Black. is a multi-layered approach to the provision of PE and sport with hands on, practical support and training for teachers, schools, parents and community organisations to improve the quality of the experience for young people.

Sport New Zealand community sport general manager Geoff Barry says while young New Zealanders have traditionally participated in sport and recreation in high numbers, there is a global trend towards inactivity and New Zealand is not immune. That’s why is a key plank in the Government’s Childhood Obesity campaign launched last year.

“We want Kiwi kids to stay sporty and active, and for good reason. Research shows their physical and mental development is enhanced by access to quality physical education and physical activity programmes. Through taking part in sport and recreation, young people develop new skills, take on a challenge, grow social connections and adopt a healthy lifestyle,” he says.

“Young people and the school setting is a critical focus area in our Community Sport strategy. We want to support schools to provide the right quality and quantity of PE so kids have the confidence, competence and motivation to be involved in sport and recreation for life.”

The Government is investing over $8 million in the programme over the next four years, primarily through Sport New Zealand, supported by the Ministry of Education and ACC.
Find more information about how will support schools: link)


School support aims to help schools in the following ways:
  • PE mentors: PE specialists to work in the classroom (part of the week) with all primary teachers, regularly, long-term (3–4 years in their cluster before moving to the next one) to empower and upskill the whole school.
  • Curriculum advisors: To work with principals, boards of trustees and teachers to strategise and develop innovative and planned PE strategy and school plans, encompassing all learning areas to improve children’s engagement and activity at school.
  • Activators (primary school): School-based play and sport facilitators to work within schools and across communities to ensure aligned, appropriate and organised opportunities that meet the needs of children. Activators will facilitate and lead the play, physical activity and sport opportunities, and support teachers in integrating quality physical activity and sport in and out of school time.
  • Sport coordinators (secondary school): extend support for schools to coordinate quality physical activities outside the classroom.

Hurricanes player and Māori All Black Otere Black took part in one of the activities with the children from Pinehaven School

BY Education Gazette editors
Education Gazette | Tukutuku Kōrero,

Posted: 6:28 pm, 26 April 2016

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