Informing the future of the Gazette

Issue: Volume 100, Number 11

Posted: 20 August 2021
Reference #: 1HAPA7

As Education Gazette | Tukutuku Kōrero gets ready to enter its second century, we surveyed our audience about what they want from the Gazette going forward.

The survey included a range of questions with a focus on content and delivery.


  • The majority of respondents find the content in Education Gazette engaging (81% of respondents strongly agreed or agreed; 17% neutral) and useful to their role (74% strongly agreed or agreed; 21% neutral).
  • Respondents say there is a good mix of articles across the different sectors (73% strongly agree or agree; 20% neutral) and different parts of New Zealand (65.81% strongly agree or agree; 28% neutral).
  • The majority of respondents think content is relevant to Māori and Pacific learners (78% strongly agree or agree; 20% neutral).
  • Over 90% of respondents indicated they would like to see content in the following areas:
    • New curriculum initiatives;
    • Updates on Ministry of Education developments;
    • Case studies about school/kura/early learning initiatives and community-wide education initiatives;
    • Think pieces about new ideas or debates;
    • Discussions about teaching resources;
    • Articles written by teachers;
    • Content about PLD opportunities.

Accessing the Gazette

  • 62% of respondents like to access the Gazette in print form and 57% like to access it in web format indicating that many enjoy both. 52% value the fortnightly e-newsletter.
  • Respondents prefer to access vacancies online. Just 8% prefer to access vacancies in print.
  • 36% would like to receive the print Gazette on a monthly basis, while 20% on a fortnightly. 27% wished only to receive online.
  • 69% said environmental sustainability was a very important or important factor when considering the impact of printing and distributing the Gazette. 6% said it was not important.
  • Just 38% found social media useful in alerting them to new Gazette content (36% not useful; 25% weren’t sure).

What you told us

Here is a selection of the responses received in the survey.

What do you like about the Gazette?

It comes to my email/is online I see it more often than when it was just printed. It also allows for easy dipping in and out, and also going back to find articles when needed.

I enjoy the articles - especially the photos - that help link schools across the country. i have really enjoyed the Centenary editions for their historical information

I like the way it provides a picture of what is happening nationally in the education sector. It takes us out of our own small part of the sector.

It's authentic and reflects the diversity of Aotearoa. There's no corporate spin or political bias. It's for all in Education, teachers, teacher aides and leadership teams. One sector, one goal - to nurture our precious tāonga: our tamariki and rangitahi.

That there are a lot of different things in one magazine which I think is ka pai!That you can get all of the information online as well as in magazine.

Bringing all important information to teachers! Love reading the articles and how they often spark discussion amongst the team, seeing what resources and PLD are out there, and all the rest, teacher wellbeing support and all the rest.

Thought provoking and inspiring articles.

That it keeps us up-to-date with education initiatives.

I think it's great that teachers from all the sectors have access to a magazine that is dedicated to quality teaching and learning.

My father has been a teacher/principal my entire life, so I remember seeing the Gazette and hearing about it from a really early age. When I was a kid, I actually thought that 'the Gazette' was a newspaper that everyone read, like the New Zealand Herald :)

Vibrancy, Positivity, Inclusivity in NZ Education.

I like seeing the front covers sitting on the table in the staff room. They always have interesting photographs and captions that catch my eye and make me want to read more. I snatch a read of an article here and there. I like the idea of getting the gazette online but most of the time it sits a long time unopened in my inbox until I find the time to read it and it is not as in my face as the printed copy so I don't always get back to the email copy. The advantage of the online method is that I am able to watch videos. But I am reluctant for you to do away with the printed copy altogether as I will miss catching snatches of information from the printed copy in the staff room.

What would you like to see change?

I would like to see those who deliver education in alternative settings being able to access the printed version of the gazette as well as the e-version. I am also not sure that everyone who works in alternative settings such as Alternative Education actually know about the Gazette.

School Libraries are often ignored. I'd like to see a lot more focus on them and how they are working for our learners. Not have it in a separate magazine only librarians subscribe to, but as part of overall education in NZ.

Perhaps separate magazines for each level of education so that there is more meaningful content to my practice

More specific tools/resources/programmes introduced as case studies with resources for putting them into practice

Need more focus on the early learning sector for Gazette articles

I would like to see a spotlight on Special Education in EVEY issue. So every issue has an article about something great happening in Special Ed. Whether it be initiatives from Schools, through the ME, SENCO, update on Learning Support Coordinators and their roles, PD availability, Gifted Education - there is a wealth of options - so including something specifically directed at Special Ed would be great. I would always look for and read that.

More inclusion of rural and small schools content.

If the Education Gazette is about education, why doesn't it profile ITE, when it includes ECE, which is mostly privately owned and operated?

I am open to seeing anything new or interesting. I particularly like the 'human interest' things, like teacher profiles etc.

A section about Te Ao Māori and Mātauranga Māori in every issue.

I would like to see how schools are developing their learning improvement plan with ERO. It would be interesting to read perspectives from ERO partner and the school. How to effectively develop a culture of trust and understanding? This is a new and improved model. How do we deal with the anxiety and uncertainness of ERO expectations as a leader, Board of Trustees and staff?

I would like to see articles about areas of pedagogical debate e.g., phonics versus whole language, or prevalence of ADHD for example.

It has evolved over time and I appreciate the range of articles we now see and the focus on schools that are truly ākonga-centred. I would not like to see a reduction in the range and qualify of articles.

I like the availability of being able to advertise vacancies online, and feel there really is no need for this to be published as the publication just holds up advertising if we wait for that.

Although I prefer to read articles in print, I do believe that online makes more sense both for delivery, timeliness and sustainability.

The Education Gazette survey ran during June and July 2021 and was completed by 234 people. Thank you to everyone who took part.

BY Education Gazette editors
Education Gazette | Tukutuku Kōrero,

Posted: 8:45 am, 20 August 2021

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