Creatives in Schools gears up for second round

Issue: Volume 99, Number 10

Posted: 29 June 2020
Reference #: 1HA8ci

Applications are now open for the 2021 Creatives in Schools programme, which partners artists with teachers and kaiako to foster new learning experiences for students and ākonga.

The second round will see up to 110 Creatives in Schools projects selected for implementation during Terms 1 to 4 next year.

Applications will close on 21 August 2020 and the successful schools and kura will be confirmed in late October 2020.

The programme is designed for students and ākonga aged from Years 1-13, to enhance their well-being and improve their core competencies in communication, collaboration and creative thinking, and raise their awareness of creative careers.

Creative learning opportunities

The programme will involve professional artists, or creative practitioners, and teachers working together to plan projects that will give students new creative learning opportunities.

Each project will be a high-calibre and in-depth engagement, lasting from eight to 20 weeks.

Projects need not be limited to the New Zealand Curriculum arts disciplines of visual arts, dance, drama and music – there are also opportunities for creatives to share their expertise in areas such as film making, game design, fashion design, spoken word, expertise in ngā toi Māori such as raranga, whakairo and more. They may include toi Māori, Pacific arts and creative practices from all cultural traditions in New Zealand.

Schools and kura are also welcome to liaise with creative practitioners in their own community to plan a project and apply for funding.

How to apply

Artists and creative practitioners are invited to continue to submit expressions of interest(external link).

Applications are now open for schools and kura to apply for funding.

For more information visit the Arts Online website or email

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BY Education Gazette editors
Education Gazette | Tukutuku Kōrero,

Posted: 9:11 am, 29 June 2020

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