Ask the Connected Learning Advisory

Issue: Volume 95, Number 19

Posted: 25 October 2016
Reference #: 1H9d4s

The Ministry of Education’s Connected Learning Advisory – Te Ara Whītiki is committed to supporting schools and communities as they plan for, manage and use digital technologies for learning. This month we look at the advisory’s strategic thinking roadmap and the upcoming workshops to support you in using it.

The strategic thinking roadmap

The Connected Learning Advisory – Te Ara Whītiki has produced the Strategic Thinking Roadmap ( to support school leaders as they plan to integrate technology within their overall strategy for effective teaching and learning.

The strategic thinking roadmap helps you:

  • facilitate the strategic discussions needed to ensure your school, or group of schools, develops a practicable digital technologies action plan
  • consolidate your vision and principles for using digital technologies, aligned to wider school thinking
  • make an assessment of where your school is currently – consider: components, relationships, strengths, barriers, initiatives, and collaborations
  • articulate a sense of progression from current to an improved future state
  • identify specific goals and actions, and how these will be achieved
  • plan to monitor progress and evaluate impact against expectations.

Term 4 workshops

To support your school in using the roadmap to develop your digital technologies action plan, the advisory is running free, half-day workshops in November across the country. To register for a workshop in your area go to the CLA website.(external link)

Who should attend these workshops?

The workshops are aimed at school leaders/leaders of digital technologies/Board of Trustees members with responsibility for planning and implementing a strategy for the use of digital technologies. Up to three people from a school/kura can attend each event.

Workshop content:

  • An introduction to the Strategic Thinking Roadmap.
  • Practical, tested strategies and plenty of opportunity for collaborative discussion.

You will come away with:

  • links to research, planning templates and stories of change from other schools for you to access at your leisure
  • a planning framework to help develop your digital technologies strategy
  • connections to other local schools who are also developing their digital technologies strategy
  • next steps and an understanding of how the Connected Learning Advisory can act as a critical friend via online community spaces (VLN/Pond) and regional advisor support.

Feedback from previous workshops on the strategic thinking roadmap has been very positive:

“Your facilitation and resources have enabled us to break down a seemingly daunting task into fun, relevant learning tasks that have started open discussions among staff.”

To register for a workshop go to the CLA website(external link)

Contact the CLA

The Connected Learning Advisory is supporting hundreds of schools, and now also Communities of Learning | Kāhui Ako, as they make strategic decisions related to learning with digital technologies.

If you have a query about integrating technology with teaching and learning, or you want to suggest a topic for this column, visit the TKI website(external link) or CLA website.(external link)

The Ministry of Education’s Connected Learning Advisory is managed by CORE Education.

BY Education Gazette editors
Education Gazette | Tukutuku Kōrero,

Posted: 6:49 pm, 25 October 2016

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