NZ Flag project

Issue: Volume 94, Number 6

Posted: 20 April 2015
Reference #: 1H9cqs

Coming soon to your school or kura – the New Zealand Flag Consideration Project offers insights for all.

While the New Zealand flag has changed before, it’s the first time in New Zealand history that the public have ever had a say in the design of a flag. This presents a fantastic teaching and learning opportunity for term 2.

As part of the Government’s public engagement process, from May 2015 schools will have the opportunity to participate by setting up their own referendums, and mirroring the national consideration and voting process.

For schools and kura that wish to participate, the New Zealand Flag Consideration Project will provide a range of resources aligned to the National Curriculum. Schools/kura will be able to set up their own student panels to guide their processes. The panels will lead discussions in their schools on New Zealand’s identity and how a flag should reflect this.

They will also call for alternative designs and choose their “Top 4” to go through their own referendum processes.

Schools and kura will document their work and send their findings to the official Flag Consideration Panel. They will also be able to suggest their winning alternative design for consideration in the national process.

Further updates will be published in Education Gazette, the Ministry Bulletin for School Leaders | He Pitopito Kōrero, and on the official website(external link)

BY Education Gazette editors
Education Gazette | Tukutuku Kōrero,

Posted: 4:44 pm, 20 April 2015

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