Kind Hearts Creative Challenge for preschool, primary & intermediate students

Student competitions and scholarships New Zealand (nationwide)

Posted: 29 April 2024
Notice reference #: 1HAgMG

The Kind Hearts Movement is celebrating its 10th birthday and invite your students to join the celebrations by participating in a Creative Challenge:

Preschool & Y1: a poster (no bigger than A3 landscape) on the theme "Kindness feels like this..."  Media: paint, crayon, pencils, etc. 

Y2 to Y4: a poster (no bigger than A3 landscape) with 3 or 4 words about kindness. No digital images. Media: paint, crayon, pencils etc.

Y5–6: 100 Word Challenge – write a poem or prose with no more than 100 words of a personal experience on the theme "Where is kindness hiding?" The words are more important than the presentation.  

Y7–8: 100 Word Challenge – write a poem or prose with no more than 100 words of a personal experience on the theme "Where is kindness hiding?"  The words are more important than the presentation. 

Closing date is 7 July 2024. 

The works of the winners will be posted on The Kind Hearts social media. 

The class of the winners will be able to use a $400 Warehouse voucher to choose items that the whole school can enjoy. 

Only five entries per class. 

Please be kind as you choose the entries from your class/centre. The students' and school's details should be written on the back of each entry.  Entries become the property of the Movement. 

The Kind Hearts Movement does not have a postal address so email for delivery instructions.

The Kind Hearts Movement is a non-profit organisation based in Palmerston North with the vision of a kinder world. Their purpose is to empower individuals and groups to strengthen communities through unconditional kindness. The Movement has unique resources written especially for fostering kindness in classrooms. 

Look for details about them at  

Further information

Contact: Pam Fawcett

 (021) 231 4155